Sw/eden APT

The repository is hosted on apt.eossweden.org


First you need to make sure some packages are installed and that our gpg key is added to apt:

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
curl -sS https://apt.eossweden.org/key | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/eossweden-2023.gpg > /dev/null

Then you can add one or more of your repositories:

For bash like shells.

sudo apt-add-repository -y "deb [arch=amd64] https://apt.eossweden.org/eosio `lsb_release -cs` stable"
sudo apt-get update

If you are using fish

sudo apt-add-repository -y "deb [arch=amd64] https://apt.eossweden.org/eosio "(lsb_release -cs)" stable"
sudo apt-get update

The url is structures as follows:

https://apt.eossweden.org/<repository> <distribution> <component> [ <component1> ] [ <componentN> ]

one repository, distribution and one or more components needs to be specified. These are explained in detail here


Here is a list of different repositories we provide.


Name Distributions Description
Main bionic, eoan, focal, jammy Releases of Sw/eden own software.
AntelopeIO bionic, focal, jammy, numbat Antelope is an open framework for building fast, secure, and user-friendly Web3 products and services.
EOSIO bionic, focal EOS related software
Mandel bionic EOSIO fork by EOS Network Foundation
WAX bionic, focal, jammy, numbat WAX Chain port of EOSIO and related software.
FIO bionic, jammy Software for the FIO network
Archive bionic, eoan Archived versions of packages that should not be used generally. Only exists for historical reasons.